Quiz Questions for UKG Students

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Welcome to a fun and educational experience designed especially for our UKG (Upper Kindergarten) students. Our Quiz Questions for UKG Students are here to make learning enjoyable and engaging.

Quiz Questions for UKG Students


#1. What color is the sky?

#2. What sound does a cow make?

#3. How many wheels does a car have?

#4. What shape is a banana?

#5. What do we drink from?

#6. What comes after Sunday?

#7. What color is an apple?

#8. Which animal has wings?

#9. What do we wear on our feet?

#10. What do we do at night?

#11. Which fruit grows on a tree?

#12. What do we use to draw?

#13. Which animal hops?

#14. What color is the sun?

#15. How many legs does a spider have?

#16. What do we call the person who drives a car?

#17. Which month comes after July?

#18. What do we use to brush our teeth?

#19. What kind of sound does a train make?

#20. What do we say to someone older than us?

#21. What do we do when we are cold?

#22. Which of these shapes has corners?

#23. What do we eat with our hands?

#24. Which day comes before Friday?

#25. What animal says "moo"?

#26. What do we see with?

#27. What color is grass?

#28. What do we put on a bed?

#29. What do we call babies of cows?

#30. What does a doctor do?

#31. What do we call the days of the week?

#32. Which part of our body helps us smell?

#33. What do we wear on our heads?

#34. What sound does a dog make?

#35. What comes after one?

#36. What do we call the person who writes books?

#37. Which fruit grows on a vine?

#38. What kind of sound does a clock make?

#39. What do we do when we are happy?

#40. What do we call the big round thing in the sky at night?

#41. Which animal has a trunk?

#42. What shape is a traffic light?

#43. What do we use to read books?

#44. How many days are there in a week?

#45. Which number is greater, 5 or 2?

#46. What do we call the opposite of night?

#47. What do we do with a pencil?

#48. Which of these is a mammal?

#49. What is bigger, a car or a bus?

#50. What do we call the place where birds live?

#51. What do we call this big round thing in the sky during the day?

#52. How many legs does a horse have?

#53. Which of these fruits grows on a tree?

#54. What do we wear on our arms?

#55. What sound does a cat make?

#56. What do we call the person who helps us stay healthy?

#57. What comes after two?

#58. Which shape has four sides and four corners?

#59. What do we do with a fork?

#60. What color is the grass?

#61. I have stripes and love to run, who am I, my little one?

#62. What has hands but cannot clap, tells time but has no mouth, tick-tock goes its gentle tap?

#63. Red, orange, yellow, round and bright, a juicy treat that fills with light. What am I?

#64. Buzzing busy, wings I wear, honey maker, sweet to share. Who am I with stripes so bold?

#65. Four legs I have, but never walk, on my back the books you stalk. What am I?

#66. Two wheels I have, but pedals none, fun to glide under the sun. What am I?

#67. Green and tall, I sway in the breeze, whispers tell my leafy secrets. What am I?

#68. Shiny scales and cold I feel, swimming in the river's teal. Who am I?

#69. Big and round, the moon shines bright, watching over you at night. What am I?

#70. Red and sweet, with crunchy skin, full of juice and held within. What am I?

#71. I jump and hop with furry ears, who nibbles carrots without fears?

#72. I roar and sleep with shaggy mane, king of the jungle, hear me strain?

#73. I dance and flow in ribbons bright, across the sky in day and night?

#74. I sing and tweet on leafy bough, my tuneful chirps chase worries out?

#75. I spin and whir with colorful blades, who takes me up through sunny glades?

#76. I splash and swim in cool, blue streams, with fins and scales, a watery dream?

#77. I glow and twinkle in the night, tiny stars with silver light?

#78. I chug and puff with smoke and steel, carrying people who have a deal?

#79. I crack and hatch with fuzzy pride, chirping loud as I stride?

#80. I roll and bounce in playful glee, my rubber skin for all to see?

#81. I wiggle, waddle, quack and say, "Quack, quack, splash all day!" Who am I?

#82. I swing and sway with leafy hair, whispering secrets in the air. Who am I?

#83. I crunch and munch with juicy core, orange slices, I adore! Who am I?

#84. I squeak and zoom with fuzzy pride, bouncing fast by Mommy's side. Who am I?

#85. I clang and clatter, shiny new, in Mommy's kitchen, what to do?

#86. I jingle, jangle, bright and bold, around my wrist, a story told. Who am I?

#87. I whoosh and whiz with paper thin, floating high on windy spins. Who am I?

#88. I meow and purr with fuzzy paws, I love to nap in sunny draws. Who am I?

#89. I rumble, tumble, round and red, juicy chunks with seeds inside. Who am I?

#90. I beep and boop with flashing lights, guiding cars through darkest nights. Who am I?


Tailored to match the UKG curriculum, these questions cover various topics, helping kids retain knowledge and develop critical thinking skills. Whether it’s numbers, letters, or exploring the world around us, these quizzes are crafted to spark curiosity and active participation.

Join us on this exciting learning journey where discovery meets fun through interactive Quiz Questions for UKG Students.

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