Gk questions for class 3 Science | Science Quiz

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Gk questions for class 3 Science in format of quiz will help students to prepare in various competitive exams and entrance exams. Science quiz for class 3 will not only improve your knowledge in science, also you will enjoy your learning.

You will learn here different animals move in different ways to go from one place to another through the Gk questions for class 3 Science. Also, some animals walk, some crawl, some fly and some swim.

Animals live in different places. For example – Animals live on the trees, some animals live in water, some animals live in land, some animals live under the ground and some fly in the sky.

So, now let do choose the correct answers. Once you complete the Science Quiz, you will find the correct answer.

#1. Which animals fly in the sky ?

#2. Which animals crawl on the land ?

#3. Which animals have wings to move from one place to another ?

#4. Which animal hop to go from one place to another ?

#5. Which animals live on the tree ?

#6. Which animals live under the ground ?

#7. Which animals live on both land and water ?

#8. Which animals have strong trunk ?

#9. Which animal fly in the sky ?

#10. Which animals have stripes on their body ?

#11. Which animals remain awake the whole night and go to sleep in broad day light ?

#12. Which animal swim to go from one place to another ?

#13. Which animal use feet to go from one place to another ?

#14. Which animal live in water ?

#15. Which animal can be seen on the branches ?

#16. Which animal live on the leaves ?

#17. Which animal live on the trunk ?

#18. Which animals have tail ?

#19. What we called those animals only live in water ?

#20. Which animal who love eating bananas and spend time by jumping ?



General knowledge for class 3 plays a crucial role for students to shine in academics as well as to improve the general awareness of the affairs in every sectors, continuous learning of general knowledge is important. There are numerous ways to enhance the general knowledge.

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