Gk questions for class 2 English | English Quiz

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Gk questions for class 2 English in format of quiz will help students to prepare in various competitive exams and entrance exams. English quiz for class 2 will not only improve your knowledge in english, also you will enjoy your learning.

Attempt below English quiz for class 2. Once you complete the quiz, you will find the correct answers.

#1. Fill the blank : Shyam is __________ boy.

#2. Fill the blank : Sita has __________ orange.

#3. Fill the blank : She will eat __________ icecream.

#4. Fill the blank : Ravi is __________ tall boy.

#5. Fill the blank : The camel is __________ desert animal.

#6. Fill the blank : The man has __________ axe.

#7. Fill the blank : This is ________ book.

#8. Fill the blank : _________ pen is japanese.

#9. Fill the blank : Mr. Jha is _____________ oldest man in the village.

#10. Fill the blank : A cat has __________ tail.



General knowledge for class 2 plays a crucial role for childrens to shine in academics as well as to improve the general awareness of the affairs in every sectors, continuous learning of general knowledge is important. There are numerous ways to enhance the general knowledge.

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