Gk questions for class 1 Maths | Maths Quiz

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Gk questions for class 1 Maths in format of quiz will help students to prepare in various competitive exams and entrance exams. Maths quiz for class 1 will not only improve your knowledge in Maths, also you will enjoy your learning.

Attempt the following Maths questions for class 1. Once you complete the quiz, you will get the correct answer for each question.

#1. ______ is just after 4.

#2. _______ is just after 20.

#3. ______ is just before 19.

#4. ______ is just before 40.

#5. ______ is just after 77.

#6. ______ is just before 50.

#7. ______ is just after 10.

#8. ______ is just before 10.

#9. ______ is just after 89.

#10. ______ is just before 9.

#11. Count and choose the correct number.

#12. Count and choose the correct number.

#13. Count and choose the correct number.

#14. Count and choose the correct number.

#15. Count and choose the correct number.

#16. Count and choose the correct number.

#17. Count and choose the correct number.

#18. Count and choose the correct number.

#19. Count and choose the correct number.

#20. Count and choose the correct number.



General knowledge for class 1 plays a crucial role for students to shine in academics as well as to improve the general awareness of the affairs in every sectors, continuous learning of general knowledge is important. There are numerous ways to enhance the general knowledge.

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