Top NFT questions and answers 2022

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Top NFT questions and answers will help you to improve your knowledge in NFT about what are NFTs, marketplaces and how you can buy and sell. Also, you will be able to know about the best market places to buy and sell.

We have have collected the important NFT questions and answers.

Top NFT questions and answers

Q. 1. What is Decentralized  Finance (DeFi) ?

Ans: Defi stands for “decentralized finance” and it refers to the network of financial  applications designed on top Blockcahin platforms. It is a trend that encourages the application of open source software and decentralized networks to build a variety of financial services and goods.

The aim is to develop  and run financial DApps on a transparent and trustless foundation, such as permission less blockchains and other peer-to-peer (P2P)protocols.

Q. 2.  How exchange helpful in NFTS ?

Ans: An exchange is a regulated market for trading financial  instruments like cryptocurrencies, products, and securities . It may be based on a physical location or a digital network.

It also have many conventional exchanges that were once limited to physical trading are now offering digitized platforms to allow digital trading ( also known as paperless trading ).

Q. 3. What is AML in NFTS ?

Ans: Anti – money laundering (AML) is a series of rules, legislation and protocol to stop criminals from passing off illegally acquired funds as legal earrings. 

Q. 4. What do you mean the word Digital Signature ? 

Ans : A digital code that is applied to an electronically transmitted document to validate its contents and the senders identity ( generated and validated using public -key encryption).

Q. 5. What is crypto wallet in NFTS ?

Ans: A crypto wallet is a platform for interacting with a blockchain network. Numerous crypto wallet forms can be classified into three categories ; software, hardware, and paper wallet . They are also known as hot or cold wallet , depending on their working principle.

 Q. 6. What is Smart Contracts  in NFTs ?

Ans:  A smart contract is a form of computer software that acts as an automatic self enforcing contract, meaning that it takes action when specific requirements are met .Smart contracts may used as  digital agreements between two entities to facilitate the transfer of cryptocurrencies . The smart contract verifies that the terms of the deal have been met and the the properties are allocated accordingly.

Q. 7. What is the full form of ICO and write short notes on ICO ?

Ans: The Initial Coin Offering (ICO) is a novel method of raising funds using digital currencies ( cryptocurrencies ). An approach like this is more common in cryptocurrencies ventures that haven’t wholly built their blockchain – based product, services, or system. the funds raised at ICO  events are usually  obtained in bitcoin (BTC) or Ether (ETH), although flat currency could also be accepted in some instances. 

Q. 8. What is Altcoin ?

Ans: A non -bitcoin cryptocurrencies . there are thousands of altcoins, each with its own set of values  and applications.

Q. 9. What is Blocks in NFTS ? 

Ans: Transactional data is stored in these files. Blocks are identical to the pages of ledger.

 Q. 10. How Bubble useful in NFTS ?

Ans: Whenever the price of a product becomes inflated, it outperforms it’s true value. When a bubble bursts, rates plummeted.

Q. 11. What is Github ? 

Ans: It is a web based version – control and collaboration platform for computer programmers. It was established in 2008 and is based on Git , an open source cod management framework developed by Linus Torvalds to make software develops faster.

Q. 12. Why KYC is important in NFTS. ?

Ans: KYC ( Know -your- customer)- is a compliance mechanism used to check thew validity of a company’s customers before or around the time they begin doing business with them. Financial companies are required by law to use KYC procedures  when on boarding new customers. 

Q. 13. What is Mining Farm ? 

Ans: A mining farm is a data center that is technically designed to mine bitcoins or other cryptocurrencies . Mining farm arise due to mining process becoming more complicated, necessitating more technological, energy and financial resources.

Q. 14. What is Proof of stake (POS)?

Ans: Proof of stake system is an arrangement system in which an individual’s mining or validation power is proportional to the number of coins he or she owns , the more mining power he or she has.

Q. 15.  Why you should invest in money ?

Ans: We should invest money in NFTS because of the following reasons :-

  1. Creates Value for the Tokenized Asset : NFTS provide a means by which tangible items such as artworks can be tokenized , preventing replication and giving owner to the creator . This , in essence , generates scarcity as a result , demand for the artwork
  2. It increases Liquidity for Investors : Tokenizing assets helps investors to have better leverage on their assets whenever they need it . Digital property owner , for instance, may choose to rent out his or her digital property to advertiser or marketers price while still owing the property .In this situation , the digital property actually belongs to the owner , but a portion of it has been liquified as rent.
  3. Growth and development opportunities : NFTS have potential to expand and improve the land market . FOR example , in real state, owing  and managing virtual lands provides the ability to determine what you like to do with your property and tying NFTS to land pieces has shown tremendous room to grow and develop .you have the option of renting it out, creating a stable and robust business for advertising or selling it online.

Q. 16. What is Rariable in NFTS ?

Ans: Rariable is a modern technology (NFT) Marketplace similar to opensea. It also serves as a forum for the development of NFTS. user may generate as NFT using content they own ,including a digital picture or motion graphic, by going to reliable. Sellers can make many NFTS for single image and sell it several times . Alternatively distribute only one object, which will considered rarer. Additionally, artist may specify a percentage of life time resales that they choose to learn.

Q. 17. What is Superrare ?

Ans: It is a social forum that promotes crypto art production and selection. Super rare was founded by Johnn Crain, the CEO of Pixura and Jonathan Perkins, the company’s chief product officer. Ever since it inception. SUPERRARE has collaborated with artists and points to cater to artists and buyers  concern.

They also considered the high end version of rarible. The entry requirements are more stringent and the artists must other hand, everyone  can participate on rarible.

Q. 18. What is Viv3 in NFTS ?

Ans: VIV3 is the Flow blockchain ‘s market, based on the premise that the globe is on the verge of transitioning from physical to virtual property. By  leveraging Flow, viv3 hopes to inspire a million individuals to make exchange ,and own the worlds most expensive asset . A flexible and composable smart contract frame work that provides the performance needed for mainstream applications .

Viv3 is used by artists, game  studios, and brands to create one of papkind tokens that reflect their digital works on the FLOW blockchan in (NFTs) . Fans, owners , players, and virtual assets investors buy these NFTs.

Q. 19. What is NFT showroom ?

Ans: NFT Showroom is a blockchain-based virtual art platform powered by Hive, a quick and reliable blockchain. Artists may sign up for their virtual works and offer rare tokens that can be exchanged on the platform as “evidence of art.” The Hive group has been buzzing about the NFT Showroom, and it’s one to keep an eye on because of its pace and low cost.

Q. 20. How are Arkane Market useful in NFT ?

Ans: Arkane Market is a virtual collectibles platform for gamers and overall owners that do not accept cryptocurrency payments. Arkane Market is equally the first non-financial transaction (NFT) platform to run on Polygon (Formally Matic). Even though the marketplace is still in its infancy, it recently opened with a Battle Racers initiative to generate instant interest.

Q. 21. How to Buy NFTs ?

Ans: Nifty Gateway, MarkersPlace, SuperRate, OpenSea, Decentraland, and Rarible are only a few of the many markets where you can buy NFTs.

Q. 22. How to sell NFTs ?

Ans: NFTs, like every other marketplace, have their own trading areas. Pay attention to which to which a marketplace supports token standard. You’ll need to sign up for an account and connect your cryptocurrency wallet. For example, If you’ve created NFT on Mintable, you can sell it on OpenSea with ease.

Here are several more websites where you can sell your NFT:

  • Nifty Gateway
  • Rarible
  • Terra Virtua
  • OpenSea
  • Async
  • MakersPlace
  • SuperRare
  • KnownOrigin
  • Mintbase
  • Mintable


Top NFT questions and answers plays a crucial role for learners to improve the general awareness of the affairs in NFT as well as related sectors, continuous learning of general knowledge is important. There are numerous ways to enhance the general knowledge.

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